Preparing For Back To School

How can I prepare my family for the upcoming school year?

This is a question that gets asked very often this time of the year, and there are several things you can do to make your transition to the 19-20 school as smooth as possible.  While I have outlined a few ways to guid your family through this new new transition below, understand that there will still be bumps in the road and your experience may not be the perfect Instagram moment.  Three weeks prior to the school year is the best time to start getting your child (and yourself) ready to begin an academic school year.  

1.  Let Routines be the Guide
If you are like many families and bedtimes and routines have gone to the wayside during the long summer months, now is the time to be working towards establishing routines that might mimic the school year.  Begin by slowly reverting back to school time bedtimes.  Create routines with your child about bedtime.  Start eating meals at the times that mealtimes would be during the school year.  We are a country that is very sleep deprived.  Please ensure that your child has adequate time for sleeping.  This is also a good time to determine how long it will take your child to wake, eat breakfast and head to out to arrive at school in the 8:25-8:40 a.m. window of time.

2.  Provide opportunities for your child to experience the world without you
This is especially important for children entering school for the first time.  This might be a playdate, a swim class or childcare at the local gym.  This gives your child the experience that he or she can be successful without your presence and that you come back after a period.  It also gives them the experience of being cared for by a different adult than you.  If you are feeling anxious or sad about this time, try to find someone else (other than your child) to work through these feelings.  They need to see you confident and show readiness yourself.

3.  Talk about school
Weave into conversation on a regular basis the teacher’s names or other fellow student names.  Go to our Facebook page or website and show them pictures of the school, their classroom and the children at work and play.  If your child is returning, they may recognize their classmates which can offer another form of comfort.  Talking about school will show the child you trust us with his or her care and that you are not only planning for school, but you are excited about it as well.

4.  Promote a higher level of independence
This is a big one folks.  Avoid doing for a child what they can do for themselves.  You can teach them how to dress themselves, serve themselves and take care of their belongings.  Give them responsibility for putting away their things when they come home (shoes in place, bags, backpacks hung, water bottles in the sink or other designated place).  When children can see order and help maintain it, they develop a greater sense of capability and confidence.

One of the things that Southwest Montessori Academy prides itself on is the relationship we have with the parents of our students.  We are here for you in any capacity that you need us.  We are so excited to start the new school year, and we hope you will reach out if you have any concerns or questions.  We are excited to welcome our students in just a few weeks, enjoy the rest of your summer!

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